Taiwanese travelers to Europe advised to take precautions against measles

Want China Times
Date: 2015-04-10

People planning to travel to Europe should take steps to avoid contracting measles as there

A man gets a measles vaccination ahead of traveling abroad at a clinic in New Taipei, Feb. 6. (File photo/Chih Ya-jung)

A man gets a measles vaccination ahead of traveling abroad at a clinic in New Taipei, Feb. 6. (File photo/Chih Ya-jung)

has been a surge in the number of cases reported there, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said Thursday.

Travelers who do not have measles immunity are advised to get vaccinated two to four weeks before their departure for Europe, the CDC advised.

It said that if symptoms such as a fever, nasal inflammation or rashes develop during a trip to Europe, medical treatment should be sought immediately.

France, Italy and Germany are among the most heavily affected countries, with 884 cases reported in the German capital as of late March, the CDC said, adding that this means an average of 15 new cases per day in Berlin.     [FULL  STORY]

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