KMT raises suspicion over party assets sell-out

Taiwan News
Date: 2015-12-19
By: Chia Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

DPP on Friday called on the KMT to publicize their campaign finances to

KMT raises suspicion over party assets sell-out.  Central News Agency (2015-12-19 18:17:26)

KMT raises suspicion over party assets sell-out. Central News Agency (2015-12-19 18:17:26)

explain the controversy revolves around the KMT’s selling of its party assets.
The Democratic Progressive Party on Friday called on the Kuomintang to publicize its campaign finances to explain the controversy revolving around the KMT’s alleged selling of its party assets on the eve of the presidential election.

At a press conference Friday, the DPP suspected that the KMT is trying to get rid of its party assets, publishing advertisements calling for buyers for 26 plots owned by the KMT, according to media reports.

DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen stressed that the KMT’s party assets have always been the root for the unfair competition in Taiwan’s politics, which has greatly harmed the development of the country’s democracy.

The KMT’s assets sell-out has made people question if the party is trying to raise the funds needed to cover its election expenses. While the DPP has already made transparent its campaign finances, Tsai called on the KMT presidential candidate, Eric Chu, to do the same. “Transparency and honesty is the best policy,” said Tsai.

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