MOHW releases food safety policy white paper

Taiwan Today
Date: January 7, 2016

A 2016-2020 white paper aimed at mapping out a robust food safety

An official walks members of the media through the FDA’s new big data system tasked with tracking the flows of food ingredients in Taiwan. (CNA)

An official walks members of the media through the FDA’s new big data system tasked with tracking the flows of food ingredients in Taiwan. (CNA)

inspection system and strengthening risk management measures in Taiwan was released Jan. 6 by the ROC Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Proposed by the MOHW’s Food and Drug Administration, the five-year undertaking comprises 19 strategies and 51 plans. It is expected to lay a solid foundation for rebuilding consumer confidence in the quality of food and the production processes of the nation’s manufacturers.

FDA Director-General Chiang Yu-mei said that in light of recent food scandals, government agencies need to make timely regulatory adjustments to ensure the public’s health and welfare are fully protected.

“Through a monitoring system and mandatory registration for food manufacturers, we can now track the flows of high-risk ingredients and take instant action to minimize the impact of any potential food crisis.”     [FULL  STORY]

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