Nightmare tourists’ underwear antics 原味內褲塞冰箱 台女遊澳惡搞飯店

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 13, 2015

They say Taiwan’s most beautiful scenery is its people, but is that really true? A woman tour guide slammed two female Taiwanese tourists on Facebook, saying that the pair of them had

A hotel bathroom ravaged by guests in Hualien County on Apr. 20. 花蓮縣一間飯店的浴室被遊客弄得污穢不堪。攝於四月二十日。   Photo: Wang Chin-yi, Liberty Times 照片:自由時報記者王錦義

A hotel bathroom ravaged by guests in Hualien County on Apr. 20.
Photo: Wang Chin-yi, Liberty Times

expressed their dissatisfaction with the cleaning service at an Australian hotel by making a mess of the room. Their shocking antics included stuffing underwear in the refrigerator, scattering red-stained panties around and leaving the floor covered in toilet paper.

With an air of frustration, the tour guide said, “It was a shameful sight. All I could see in it was disgruntled revenge.” Following the incident, the Australian hotel wanted them to pay A$415, or about NT$9,868, in compensation. The two Taiwanese women haggled the amount down and settled at A$200, or roughly NT$4,756. At one point they even asked if A$150 would be enough.

The tour guide said that when they were preparing to board the plane for their return flight, a tour group member saw the two girls carrying “trophies” onto the plane. “Didn’t they say they had run out of money? It’s really a disgrace,” she sighed. “Do not keep saying that Hong Kong women make trouble in Taiwan or Chinese people have no class,” she went on. “When tourists behave like this abroad, they do not just bring shame on themselves; they also give their own country a bad name.”     [FULL  STORY]

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