Taiwanese spooked by ghostly arm emerging from bus

Creepy video shows what appears to be detached arm darting out from bus

Taiwan News
Date: 32020/09/30
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Ghoulish hand protruding from bus. (Facebook, 靈異公社 screenshots)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Despite the fact that Ghost Month (鬼月) has already come to an end, Taiwanese netizens were spooked by a creepy video that surfaced on Monday (Sept. 28) showing a pale, white arm suddenly emerge from a bus.

Taiwan's Ghost Month, observed in the 7th month of the lunar calendar, which this year ran from Aug. 19 to Sept. 16, is when Taoists and Buddhists believe that the gates of hell are opened for "hungry ghosts" to roam the world of the living in search of food, money, entertainment, and possibly souls. A "hungry ghost," more politely referred to as a "Good Brother" (好兄弟), is a being that has been sent to the underworld to suffer an eternal state of hunger for its misdeeds or for not having had a proper burial.

Although Ghost Month came to a close two weeks ago, many Taiwanese are still on edge about supernatural events and are still very worried about being "visited" by Good Brothers, especially in this most inauspicious of years. As a scooter driver weaved through traffic earlier this week, he witnessed a ghoulishly white hand suddenly materialize in front of him and reach towards him as he drew near.

On Monday (Sept. 28) a member of the Facebook group Supernatural Commune (靈異公社) uploaded the video with the caption "Good thing the 7th month is over. This scared me to death." In the video, accentuated with sinister music, the scooter driver comes to a halt when the ethereal appendage surfaces.    [FULL  STORY]

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