Taiwan’s economic indicators show sluggishness in August

Want China Times
Date: 2015-10-01

Taiwan’s economic indicators flashed a “blue” light for the third consecutive month in

A job fair in Chiayi, Sept. 12. (Photo/Chen Yu-pei)

A job fair in Chiayi, Sept. 12. (Photo/Chen Yu-pei)

August, indicating a sluggish economic growth, the National Development Council (NDC) said Wednesday.

The overall composite score of the business monitoring indicators was 14 points, on a par with the previous month and was the lowest since May 2012. It was also the fourth time that Taiwan’s key economic indicator flashed a blue light this year.

The indicator first flashed a “blue” light in April, followed by a “yellow-blue” light when the overall scores rose to 18 points in May.

The council employs a five-color system to gauge the country’s economic performance, with “blue” (9-16 points) indicating a sluggish economy, “yellow-blue” (17-22) representing an economic slump, “green” (23-31) meaning a stable growth, “yellow-red” (32-27) translating into a heating economy while “red” (38-45) pointing to an overheated economy.     [FULL  STORY]

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