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After slavery ordeal, fisherman finds self without a country

Taiwan News
Date: 2015-09-19
By: Associated Press

AMBON, Indonesia (AP) — Like more than 2,000 other fishermen rescued following

Slavery ordeal has left fisherman countryless. Associated Press (2015-09-19 11:38:44)

reporting by The Associated Press and a subsequent Indonesian investigation, an 18-year-old named Bing was forced to work on a fishing boat with no way to return to his homeland.

Unlike the others, he still can’t go back.

Abandoned by his parents at a young age, he says he was 12 years old and homeless, begging in the streets of Thailand, when he decided to work on a fishing trawler. He says he worked long hours for no pay. He believes he is Burmese, but the Myanmar Embassy says that because he cannot provide an address or relatives’ names, he will have to stay in Indonesia.

This is his story, in his own words, translated from Burmese and with editing for organization and length.     [FULL  STORY]

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