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Budget rethink to keep coast guard ship project

FOUR SHIPS:The navy does not share information from its drones with the coast guard, which could sway a Cabinet decision to pass a budget proposal

Taipei Times
Date: Sep 10, 2017
By: Lo Tien-pin and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Coast Guard Administration’s proposed patrol ship development project would not

A Tuo Jiang-class corvette is seen in an undated photograph. Photo: Lo Tien-pin, Taipei Times

be affected by Premier William Lai’s (賴清德) national budget adjustments, and domestic shipyards are to bid on the construction of the agency’s 4,000-tonne ships by next year, a senior Executive Yuan official said yesterday.

Lai, who on Friday was sworn in as premier, yesterday pulled the national budget for fiscal 2018 proposed under his predecessor Lin Chuan (林全) for minor adjustments.

The new version is expected to be sent to the Legislative Yuan on Thursday.
The project is a cornerstone policy for President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration and has already been approved, so budget changes will not affect it, said a senior government official, who declined to be named.  [FULL  STORY]

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