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Domestic fuel prices to rise as int’l crude oil prices hike

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/01/01
By: Huang Li-yun and Kuo Chung-han

Taipei, Jan. 1 (CNA) The price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household use (bottled gas) will increase by NT$1.00 (US$0.031) per kilogram starting on Monday, CPC Corp. Taiwan (中油) said on Sunday.

Industrial-grade propane, butane and propane-butane mixture will also increase by NT$1.00 per kg, as the LPG for bi-fuel cars rises NT$0.50 per kg, said the state-owned fuel supplier.

The price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) will go up by 2.99 percent starting on Monday.

As a result, food stands which use 15 bottles of bottled gas per month will pay NT$300 more and household that uses 30 to 45 cubic meters of LNG per month in northern Taiwan will pay an extra NT$7.50 to NT$11.25, CPC said.   [FULL  STORY]

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