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E Ink cuts shipments growth forecast

DELAYED INSTALLATIONS: E Ink president Johnson Lee said retailers are sensitive about macroeconomic effects, while the overall economy is destined to weaken

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 01, 2019
By: Lisa Wang  /  Staff reporter

E-paper display supplier E Ink Holdings Inc (元太科技) yesterday cut its growth forecast for its electronics shelf label (ESL) shipments this year to between 20 percent and 30 percent, as some Chinese retailers are pushing back introduction of ESL amid a US-China trade dispute and a staggering macroeconomy.

“There will be no explosive growth” in ESL shipments this year on an annual basis as the company has projected internally, E Ink president Johnson Lee (李政昊) told an investors’ teleconference.

“Retailers tend to be sensitive about the ups and downs of the macroeconomy. The overall economy is destined to weaken” under the influence of the trade dispute, Lee said.

“We found that retailers in China are delaying installations of ESL,” he said. “Consumer electronics purchases are not as good as before.”    [FULL  STORY]

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