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FEATURE: Taipei Zoo shifting focus to conservation

Taipei Times
Date: Feb 19, 2018
By: William Hetherington  /  Staff writer, with CNA

Taipei Zoo hopes to work with schools and government agencies to increase public

An April 2014 photo provided by Taipei Zoo shows a pair of Eurasian otter siblings holding each other after birth with their eyes still closed.  Photo provided by the Taipei

awareness of wildlife protection, spokesman Eric Tsao (曹先紹) said.

One of the nation’s most popular attractions, the zoo, established in 1914, draws about 3 million visitors every year, Tsao said.

Tsao recalled a statement made by former Wildlife Conservation Society president William Conway, who told the annual meeting of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums in New York in 2005 that it is crucial for zoos around the world to transition from being “living museums” to being conservationist institutions.

Tsao said he has long been hoping to promote such an idea, “because conservation is a value that zoos can provide.”    [FULL  STORY]

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