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Fungus Among Us: The History of Mushrooms in Taiwan

Taiwan has a long history of growing a wide variety of mushrooms, and was once a major exporter.

The News Lens
Date: 2017/01/29
By: ParrotTalks 關閉

We eat too much of what is bad for us, experts say, and not nearly enough fruits and

Photo Credit: AP/達志影像

vegetables. But one positive trend is visible in some parts of the world: People are eating more mushrooms than they did a generation or two ago.

That is good news from a nutrition perspective because many types of mushroom contain vitamins (especially B1, B2, B3, and B6) as well as iron, selenium, and other minerals. They are rich in antioxidants that can survive cooking, and there is some evidence mushrooms have cancer-fighting properties.

Global mushroom cultivation grew tenfold between 1981 and 2002. Since the mid-1960s, annual per capita mushroom consumption in the United States has risen from 0.7 lbs to 3.7 lbs. In recent years, fresh mushrooms account for three-quarters of this total.    [FULL STORY]

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