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Gaelic football alive and kicking in Taipei

The Taiwan Celts hosted St. Patrick’s Day Gaelic football tournament at Banqiao Stadium

Taiwan News
Date: 2017/03/20 18:38
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Songshan Crokes croaked

(By Taiwan News)

against the Guting Wolftones in the men’s division, and the Da’an Kickems kicked around the Xindian Gaels in the women’s division of Saturday’s Gaelic Football Tournament at the Banqiao Stadium in New Taipei.

The tournament, hosted by the Taiwan Celts Gaelic Athletic Association, consisted of 8 teams, 4 women’s and 4 men’s, who hailed from different parts of the greater Taipei area.

Gaelic football is a sport that originated in Ireland and has an interesting set of rules that resembles a combination of soccer, rugby, basketball, and volleyball. Players run while carrying a ball in their hands (like rugby) for four steps before they must bounce the ball (like basketball), kick the ball (like soccer) to shoot or keep moving, or pass the ball by punching it with their hand (like volleyball).    [FULL  STORY]

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