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Itinerant Kaohsiung mayor claims tracking device placed in his car

Itinerant Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu alleges govt. placed tracking device in his car

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/08/20
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Han inside his vehicle. (By Central News Agency)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Itinerant Kaohsiung Mayor and full-time presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) claims that a tracking device has been surreptitiously placed in his car, but the Presidential Office denies that any illegal monitoring has been carried out.

At a press conference at the Kaohsiung City Government, Han said that the central government surveillance apparatus has been highly active, and a tracking device may have been placed in his vehicle, reported CNA. He said that he felt it is wrong that the government would monitor him and his family, and he wishes to lodge a protest.

In response to Han's allegations, presidential spokesman Chang Chun-han (張惇涵) at noon today (Aug. 20) said the relevant government departments would not carry out such illegal monitoring of the actions of specific persons, according to CNA. Chang said that politicians should not make such accusations without providing evidence.

Chang asked Han to take the initiative to provide the evidence to prosecutors and police as soon as possible. He also asked Han to immediately inform the Presidential Office, which supports a thorough investigation by prosecutors and police units to clarify the truth.    [FULL  STORY]

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