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‘Minion’ toys might not be cursing: scientists

WTF?Scientists said customer reports that their McDonald’s Happy Meals toys are using foul language may have been caused by a phenomenon known as pareidolia

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 12, 2015

McDonald’s Corp swears up and down that the little yellow Minions Happy Meal toy is

Images of Minions adorn a McDonald’s restaurant in Chicago on Tuesday.
Photo: AP

speaking only nonsense words and not something a little more adult.

Experts said the company might be right, and the curse words many hear might be tied to how our brains are primed to find words even when they are not really there.

The world’s largest hamburger chain on Friday said it does not plan to take the talking Happy Meal toy out of distribution, even though some customers said it sounds like it is cursing.     [FULL  STORY]

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