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President concludes tour of 18 temples around Taiwan

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/02/18
By: Su Lung-chi, Yeh Tzu-kang, Su Mu-tsun, Wu Tse-hao and Frances 

Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) wrapped up her Lunar New Year holiday temple tour Sunday after visiting 18 temples in 17 counties and cities around Taiwan in three days, according to the Presidential Office.

Tsai embarked on her tour on Friday, the first day of the Year of the Dog on the lunar calendar, to pray for good luck for the people of Taiwan and distribute well-wishing red envelopes to the public.

In Taiwan, many people, in particular Buddhists and Taoists, tend to visit temples during the Lunar New Year holiday to express their piety and sincerity, in the hope of being blessed in the new year.    [FULL  STORY]

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