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Quake-safety plan for older buildings

FOUR-YEAR SCHEDULE: The program includes speeding up the ‘fast-screening’ of buildings, and tax benefits, ‘floor space rewards‘ and credit guarantees for loans

Taipei Times
Date: Feb 27, 2018
By: Chen Wei-han  /  Staff reporter

A program to comprehensively examine the earthquake resistance of old buildings, with

At news conference at the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday, Deputy Minister of the Interior Hua Ching-chun announces a program to fast-track earthquake resistance surveys for older buildings.  Photo: CNA

the examination of all six-story buildings or higher built before 2000 to be completed in three years, and compulsory reinforcement or reconstruction of problem buildings, was announced by the Cabinet yesterday.

The announcement came a little more than two weeks after the Cabinet said it was mulling a compulsory “health checkup” of older buildings and the establishment of a third-party construction supervision system to improve building safety in the wake of the Feb. 6 earthquake that killed 17 people in Hualien.

The Cabinet is allocating a four-year, NT$6.07 billion (US$207.63 million) budget to cover “fast screening,” resistance analysis, reconstruction, reinforcement and financial aid for buildings built before 2000, Premier William Lai (賴清德) told a news conference.

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