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Saving the Amis language one megabyte at a time

Hoping to reverse the extinction of Taiwan’s Aboriginal languages, a diverse group of volunteers have come together to create the first Amis language mobile dictionary app

Taipei Times
Date: Sep 28, 2015
By: Aaron Wytze Wilson  /  Contributing reporter

A lack of online resources can make learning Taiwan’s Aboriginal languages incredibly

Amis dictionary group members Lafin Miku, left, and Miaoski Lin. Photo: Aaron Wytze Wilson

difficult. But a new app called Moedict Amis dictionary (阿美語萌典—方敏英字典) has made learning the Amis language as easy as cecay, tosa, tolo (one, two, three).

A group of volunteers have come together to create the first ever Amis language dictionary app for mobile phones. The group includes both Amis and non-Amis, engineers and tech luddites — and even a former legislator and a Catholic priest.

The app’s development is not targeted at language enthusiasts but for the Amis to save their language from years of regressive government policies, and urban migration that has crippled the development of Aboriginal languages.     [FULL  STORY]

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