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Taiwan has high hopes for new foreign and MAC ministers

Experts in foreign affairs and relations with China come to the foreground

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/02/24
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The government is hoping that the appointments of experienced

Cabinet appointees (from top left to bottom right) Joseph Wu, Yen Teh-fa, Chen Ming-tong, Hsu Ming-chun and Chiu Kuo-cheng.

hands to take charge of foreign affairs, national defense and relations with China will create a new situation, reports said Saturday.

On Friday afternoon, the government announced that former envoy to the United States Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) would take over as foreign minister, former Army chief Yen Teh-fa (嚴德發) as defense minister, and that former Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Minister Chen Ming-tong (陳明通) would return to his post.

Chen would be able to be creative with the issue of relations with China since he already served as deputy minister and minister at the MAC and was the author of works on the subject, a government spokesman said.    [FULL  STORY]

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