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Taiwan jobless rate edges slightly higher in August (update)

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2019/09/23
By: Wu Po-wei and Frances Huang

Taipei, Sept. 23 (CNA) Taiwan's jobless rate edged higher in August as more new graduates entered the job market for the first time, the Directorate General of Budget6, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) said Monday.

Taiwan had an unemployment rate of 3.89 percent in August, up 0.07 percentage points from July. The seasonally adjusted jobless rate also rose by 0.01 percentage points in August to 3.73 percent.

The DGBAS said it was no surprise that the nominal unemployment rate spiked during the graduation season between June and August when new university graduates typically flood the labor market.

But the seasonally adjusted rates of 3.72 percent in July and 3.73 percent in August, which account for the annual influx of new job seekers, were similar to the 3.73 percent jobless rate for the January to August period.    [FULL  STORY]

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