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Taiwanese teen commits suicide after father shuts off computer game

The boy was playing League of Legends on his 15th birthday

Taiwan News   
Date: 2019/03/25 
By: Duncan Deaeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Pixabay image)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – In Changhua County, on March 23, a young boy, surnamed Cheng (鄭), committed suicide on the evening of his 15th birthday, by jumping from the third floor of his home onto the concrete below.

The third year junior high school student had an argument with his father, who was angered that the boy was playing League of Legends on his computer, rather than studying for an upcoming exam on March 26.

According to reports at around 9:30 p.m., the father berated his son, who was distracted playing the computer game. The father abruptly shut down the computer, which enraged the boy.

The father then left the room, and sometime later, Cheng threw himself from a third story window, resulting in severe head trauma. The father was reportedly unaware of what his son had done for some time after the incident.    [FULL  STORY]

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