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Thousands urge end to nuclear power

RADIOACTIVE RISK: The rumor that the nation would face a power shortage without nuclear power plants is not true, President Tsai Ing-wen said at the Taipei march

Taipei Times
Date: Apr 28, 2019
By: Lin Chia-nan  /  Staff reporter

Thousands of people in Taipei and Kaohsiung yesterday marched against nuclear

People wearing farmers’ hats take part in a march organized by the National Nuclear Abolition Action Platform in Taipei yesterday.Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

power, urging the government to put more effort into phasing out nuclear power plants by 2025 and promoting renewable energy sources.

The marches were organized by the National Nuclear Abolition Action Platform with the theme “Farewell to Nuclear Power for a Beautiful Future.”

Demonstrators in Taipei started their march on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office Building, while those in Kaohsiung started from Aozihdi Forest Park (凹仔底森林公園).

Proponents of nuclear power have been gaining support after a referendum last year seeking to abolish the government’s “nuclear-power free homeland by 2025” policy garnered more than 5.8 million votes in favor to 4 million against.    [FULL  STORY]

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