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Trade war to force Taiwanese firms to shift production: businessman

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/07/09
By: Miao Zong-han and Flor Wang

Beijing, July 9 (CNA) China-based Taiwanese exporters who ship products

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to the United States will shift their production to Southeast Asia as Washington and Beijing engage in a trade war, a Taiwanese businessman said Monday.

“No one knows which side will suffer the most until the last minute, but Taiwanese businessmen operating in China will unavoidably be affected by the ongoing trade war,” Chang Chi-cheng (章啓正), chairman of the Taiwan Businessmen Association Beijing, told CNA.

“They have no other choice but to face reality by shifting production to their bases in Southeast Asian countries,” he said.

According to Chang, many China-based Taiwanese businesspeople have also set up manufacturing facilities in those countries as a hedge and will need to produce U.S.-bound goods there to avoid the higher tariffs imposed on some Chinese exports.    [FULL  STORY]

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