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Traffic clogs roads as people head home after holiday

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/02/18
By:  Central News Agency

Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) While there are still two days to go for the Lunar New Year

Sunday afternoon saw intensive holiday traffic on Taiwan’s main roads. (By Central News Agency)

holiday, many people decided to return early from their family reunions, which caused traffic jams Sunday afternoon, according to the Freeway Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC).
At around 1 p.m., the southbound section from Hukuo to Hsinchu and the northbound section from Daya to Taichung on Freeway No. 1 saw heavy traffic, with vehicles traveling at only 30 kilometers per hour, the bureau said.

In addition, traffic jams also hit Freeway No. 5 as cars moving in both directions into the Hsuehshan Tunnel ran at just 25-30 kph, according to data released by the bureau. The bureau said traffic fines will not be imposed on vehicles traveling below the mandated speed limit.    [FULL  STORY]

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