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Tsai: Reform programs will bring progress to Taiwan

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 2018-02-24

President Tsai Ing-wen says that the government’s reform programs will bring Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen (right) and Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Meng-an (left). (Photo by CNA)

progress. Tsai was speaking Saturday during a visit to her hometown in the southern county of Pingtung.

Tsai said that during her first two years in office, Taiwan’s economy has improved. She pointed to gains in the stock market before the Lunar New Year and an unemployment rate that has hit a 17-year low. Tsai said that in addition to its work on the economy, the government is also pursuing programs of transitional justice and judicial reform. She said that if executed well, these reform programs will make Taiwan a better place.

Tsai also praised the work of Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Meng-an to improve the local economy. Tsai said that under Pan’s watch, the county added 7000 new jobs last year.    [SOURCE]

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