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Yilan resident earns Google post

NEW GOOGLER:Wang Shao-yu said children from low-income families face greater challenges, but can work diligently toward their academic and job goals

Taipei Times
Date:  Jun 21, 2015
By: Chiang Chih-hsiung  /  Staff reporter

Wang Shao-yu (王紹宇), a resident of Yilan County’s Jhuangwei Township (壯圍), received a job

Wang Shao-yu, right, holds his job offer from the Googleplex in California as he stands with his father, Wang Kuei-hsien, in Yilan County’s Jhuangwei Township on June 11. Photo: Chiang Chih-hsiung, Taipei Times

offer from Google and is set to start his new life in California’s Silicon Valley at the end of this month.

Having recently earned his master’s of engineering degree at the Vermont Avenue Campus of the University of California, he landed a job as a software designer at Google through a recruitment program for university graduates after passing a three-stage interview.

Wang credited his job to his parents, thanking them for their work and generosity in providing him with an education.

He said that his father, Wang Kuei-hsien (王貴賢), a plasterer, completed just an elementary-school education and his mother, Lin Mei-li (林美麗), who works at a school cafeteria, did not finish junior-high school.     [FULL  STORY]

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