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Annette Lu presents case for a neutral Taiwan at Washington workshop

Formosa News
Date: 2019/03/26

This afternoon a massive swarm of purple crow butterflies filled the sky over National Freeway No. 3 in Yunlin’s Linnei Township. The Freeway Bureau sprung into action, closing off the outer northbound lanes from the 252 to 253 kilometer mark.

The crossing was a stunning sight, with an estimated 1,200 purple crow butterflies flying over the freeway each minute. The Taiwan Purple Crow Butterfly Ecological Preservation Association says the swarm was the largest it’s seen since 2008.

At the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, former vice president Lu spoke on her proposal for Taiwan to become a permanently neutral country.

Annette Lu
Former vice president
Historically, Taiwan did not suffer much from local violence, but always became the victim of outside wars. (The troubled history of Taiwan) made us believe that it is when Taiwan becomes a neutral state only that its people can be the masters of their own destiny.

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