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KMT demands tough stance with Japan

FISHING DISPUTE: Caucus members said Frank Hsieh should be recalled from Tokyo if he does not receive an adequate explanation for a confrontation by the end of today

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 07, 2018
By: Sean Lin  /  Staff reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers yesterday demanded that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seek an explanation from Japan over an assault on a Taiwanese fishing boat over the weekend, and recall Representative to Japan Frank Hsieh (謝長廷) if it does not receive a formal response.

With more Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement talks set for Thursday and Friday next week, KMT caucus secretary-general Lee Yen-hsiu (李彥秀) said the water-cannon attack on Tung Pan Chiu No. 28 (東半球) could be a Japanese tactic to subjugate Taiwan.

Japan’s actions infringed on Taiwanese fishermen’s rights, and if Hsieh cannot obtain an adequate explanation from the Japanese government by the end of today, the Presidential Office should summon him back to Taipei as a protest against Japan’s actions, the lawmaker said.

The ministry announced on Monday that it had lodged a protest with Tokyo at noon that day, accusing the Japanese of using excessive force against the Suao Township (蘇澳)-registered vessel near Taiwan’s territorial waters.    [FULL  STORY]

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