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Legislature issues statement in support of HK rally

Radi Taiwan International
Date: 17 June, 2019
By: Paula Chao

NPP caucus whip Hsu Yung-ming (left)

The legislature has issued a statement in support of Hong Kong’s ongoing protests against a controversial extradition bill.  The move was initiated by New Power Party's caucus whip Hsu Yung-ming on Monday. 

The statement came a day after hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers took to the streets demanding the scrapping of a bill that would allow extraditions to China. Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has already suspended the bill, but demonstrators are calling for her resignation and for the bill’s complete withdrawal.

The joint statement issued Monday by both the ruling and opposition camps in Taiwan’s Legislature condemns the Hong Kong government for violating the spirit of human rights and for using force to handle the mass rally. The statement also said the Hong Kong government must respond to public demands and keep conflict between the police and protesters to a minimum.

The legislature also suggested that the government take concrete actions by giving Hong Kongers whose safety and freedom are in danger due to political factors necessary assistance.    [FULL  STORY]

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