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Middle-aged told to walk faster

English adults need more brisk walking if they want to live longer

Taiwan News
Date: 2017/08/24
By: Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News)–Shocking levels of inactivity among middle-aged people have been exposed in new research which revealed that more than six million English adults do not even manage a brisk 10-minute walk each month.

Public Health England (PHE) said 41% of the 15.3 million English adults aged 40 to 60 walk less than 10 minutes continuously each month at a brisk pace.

Health leaders encouraged people to walk to the shop instead of drive and take up walking on lunch breaks to add “many healthy years” to their lives.

Aiming to do a brisk walk – of at least 3 mph – for 10 minutes each day is likely to be seen as “achievable” by people who are chronically inactive, PHE said.

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