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NIA strategy on trafficking proven effective: agency

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 03, 2016
By: Staff writer, with CNA

The US Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report placed Taiwan on Tier 1 in this year’s publication, which shows that the National Immigration Agency’s (NIA) strategy to curb human trafficking works, the agency said.

This is the seventh consecutive year that Taiwan has been placed on Tier 1 in the three-tier system. Tier 1 indicates the highest performance, it said.

However, although Tier 1 is the highest ranking, it does not mean that a country has no human trafficking. A Tier 1 ranking indicates that a government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking and has made efforts to address the problem.

The report, released on Thursday, said the international community is concerned about Taiwan’s long-haul fishing expeditions that might exploit foreign fishermen, as well as forced labor for home caregivers, domestic workers and migrants working in the manufacturing sector, the agency said.     [FULL  STORY]

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