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President celebrates Taiwan’s same-sex marriage legalization anniversary

More than 90% of Taiwanese agree legislation has had no impact on their lives, according to survey

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/05/17
By: Sylvia Teng, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Supporters of gay marriage burst into cheers as Taiwan’s legislature legalizes same-sex marriage on May 17, 2019. (CNA photo)

Supporters of gay marriage burst into cheers as Taiwan's legislature legalizes same-sex marriage on May 17, 2019. (CNA photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Saturday (May 17) marked the first anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan, and President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took to social media to call for a more diverse and liberal-minded society.

Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize gay marriage after the legislature passed a bill exactly a year ago. “One year has passed, and values that people want to protect still stand,” said Tsai, adding, “At the same time, we have allowed more people to have happiness.”

There remain a lot of government measures that need to be adjusted following the passage of the legislation on same-sex marriage, acknowledged Tsai. She added the Presidential Office is making small changes in the hope of fostering a more progressive society that embraces diversity and openness.

Tsai was referring to a modification on the Presidential Office’s website, where newlyweds can apply for an automated congratulation letter from the president and vice president, without having to choose from gender-specific titles, such as Mr. and Mrs., to refer to themselves.    [FULL  STORY]

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