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Pro-Han vendor threatens police with knife at rally in New Taipei

Vendor (center). (Video still from Facebook group 公民割草行動)

Pro-Han vendor pulls out knife after police try to shut down illegal booth at New Taipei rally

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/09/09
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Vendor (center). (Video still from Facebook group 公民割草行動)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — During a rally to shore up flagging support for itinerant mayor and full-time presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), a pro-Han vendor threatened police when they asked her to take down her illegal booth.

As Han held a rally in New Taipei City in an attempt to rekindle sagging momentum in his campaign, many loyal Han fans came to attend, and some vendors set up food stands to serve them. However, when police asked one of the vendors to dismantle her stand as it did not follow regulations, she went into a fit and threatened them with a knife, reported Liberty Times.

A witness posted a video of the incident on the Facebook group Citizens Mowing Action (公民割草行動). In the video, a middle-aged woman wearing a ball cap with a Taiwanese flag on it is arguing with police after they told her that her stand needed to be taken down because it did not meet regulations.

She argued that she should first be given a written warning before being banned from the event. She suddenly pulled out a knife, held it up to her neck, and menaced police with it.

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