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Prominent Taiwan opera troupe performs in Los Angeles for first time

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/09/20
By: Oscar Wu and Christie Chen

Los Angeles, Sept. 19 (CNA) Taiwanese opera troupe Ming Hwa Yuan Arts and Cultural

Taiwanese opera troupe Ming Hwa Yuan’s first performance in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Group gave its first performance in Los Angeles on Saturday to an audience of over 1,000.

Ming Hwa Yuan, one of Taiwan’s most highly regarded opera troupes, performed two pieces — “Lovebird Spears” (鴛鴦槍) and “General of the Empire” (護國將軍) — during its show at the East Los Angeles College.

“Lovebird Spears” is about a teahouse owner’s daughter who is trained in martial arts and will only marry someone who is capable of defeating her using spears.

“General of the Empire” combines traditional opera with Chinese martial arts. The action sequences in the piece were inspired by ancient warfare in China, which involves the use of scaling ladders to climb fortress walls.     [FULL  STORY]

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