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Royce pushes for frigates’ transfer

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 02, 2015
By: William Lowther  /  Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce is urging

US Navy 070131-N-8534H-001 Guided missile frigate USS Gary transits the South China Sea while conducting unit level training during her deployment

the White House to immediately issue a final authorization for two Perry-class guided missile frigates to be transferred to Taiwan.

After visiting one of the frigates — the USS Gary — in San Diego, California, this week, Royce said that he was continuing efforts to strengthen Taiwan-US relations.

“I understand that the Taiwan navy has already inspected these frigates and is eager for the transfer to happen soon,” he said.

“Now that the US navy and Taiwan navy have completed the paperwork needed for this transfer, I urge President Barack Obama’s administration to not delay a moment longer before transferring these frigates to Taiwan,” he added.     [FULL  STORY]

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