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Ships between Taitung and offshore islands in southeastern Taiwan to be suspended due to Typhoon Maria

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/07/08
By: George Liao,Agencies

TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—Passenger ship companies in Taitung County, eastern Taiwan

(By Central News Agency)

have announced that the operation of all ships between Taitung and either of the offshore islands of Orchid Island and Green Island will be suspended on July 10 and 11 due to Typhoon Maria.

According to Central Weather Bureau’s updated weather forecast, Typhoon Maria is moving towards northern Taiwan, and if the path remains unchanged, a sea alert for the typhoon is likely to be issued as early as Monday night (July 9) and a land warning could be issued on Tuesday morning on (July 10).

Coast Guard Administration’s eastern branch security personnel at Fugang Fishing Harbor said on Sunday morning that they had received notices from the ship companies operating the route between Taitung and Green Island that they will begin to transport passengers in Green Island back to Taitung at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, but in the afternoon, all passenger ships will head to Green Island to shelter from the typhoon, according to media reports.    [FULL  STORY]

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