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Taiwan issues travel alert for Singapore amid Zika threat

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/08/29
By: Lee Hsin-Yin

Taipei, Aug. 29 (CNA) Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Monday issued a travel alert for

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Singapore based on the latest reports on the transmission of the Zika virus there.

As of Aug. 28, the number of confirmed infections of the mosquito-borne Zika virus in Singapore was 41, the CDC said, citing data provided by that country’s health authorities.

The cases were all confined to the Aljunied Crescent and Sims Drive areas in the city state, with 34 of them having recovered and seven still hospitalized, the CDC said.

However, it is feared the virus will spread from those two clusters as some of the patients have been to Khatib Camp and Sembawang Drive recently, the CDC said.     [FULL  STORY]

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