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Taiwan tops other Asian countries in gender equality: GEC

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2020/01/03
By: Elaine Hou and Frances Huang

Taipei, Jan. 3 (CNA) Taiwan ranked No. 1 in gender equality in Asia, according to the Executive Yuan's Gender Equality Committee (GEC), which based its self-assessment on a model used by the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Gender Inequality Index (GII).

The GEC said on Friday that after using the model and data in the 2018 GII to calculate Taiwan's gender equality situation, it found the country's GII hit 0.053, the best among the countries in Asia, and No. 9 in the world.

The data was published in the 2020 Gender At A Glance in the Republic of China (Taiwan).

According to the GII, the closer a country's index comes to zero, the better its gender equality is. Taiwan's GII is better than South Korea's (0.058, No. 11 in the world), Singapore's (0.065, No. 12), Japan's (0.099, No. 24) and China's (0.163, No. 40), the GEC said.    [FULL  STORY]

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