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Taiwanese students hang rainbow flags to protest school’s cancellation of LGBT lectures

The lecture was going to be given to high school freshmen by four members of Taiwan’s LGBT community

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/05/23
By: Alicia Nguyen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Students at a high school in Kaohsiung city hung rainbow flags outside classrooms to disclose their objection against school’s suspension of lectures presented by members of the LGBT community amid parents’ disapproval.

A lecture which was related to homosexuality was originally scheduled to take place on May 15 for first-year students at Ruei-Siang Senior High School.

Close to the date, the school announced the talk had been postponed because the teaching materials needed reviewing. However, a group of students and teachers suspected that the cancellation was due to parents’ disapproval of homosexuality.

As a result, some students and teachers at the high school decided to hold a protest against the cancellation by hanging rainbow flags outside the classrooms and demanded the school to retain the lecture, according to the local news reports.    [FULL  STORY]

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