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Tsai Ing-wen vows ‘affordable’ childcare system

REVERSING THE TREND:To combat an aging population and a decline in childbirth, the president-elect pledged ‘high-quality and affordable childcare’

Taipei Times
Date: Jan 25, 2016
By: Loa Iok-sin / Staff reporter

President-elect Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday promised that her incoming

President-elect Tsai Ing-wen, center, and gynecologist Lee Mao-sheng, in white coat, pose with children conceived through artificial insemination at the Lee Women’s Hospital in Taichung yesterday. Photo: Su Meng-chuan, Taipei Times

administration would set up an “affordable” childcare system to encourage young couples to have children, as the nation faces serious challenges from a declining birthrate.

Tsai was in Taichung as part of a tour of the nation to thank supporters and made the remarks during a speech while meeting gynecologist Lee Mao-sheng (李茂盛), who is one of Tsai’s long-time supporters and the head of the Friends of Tsai Ing-wen organization. Tsai was there to witness the inauguration of his new after-birth care center.

“Taiwan is facing the serious challenges of an aging population and a decline in childbirth, and the government must respond to the challenges through policies,” Tsai said. “I promise that the government will provide kids and young parents with universal, high-quality and affordable childcare.”

“The central and local governments would work together to shoulder the mission and responsibility of taking good care of the next generation,” she said.     [FULL  STORY]

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