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Two earthquakes hit central Taiwan

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/11/24
By: Y.F. Low

Taipei, Nov. 24 (CNA) Two earthquakes, with a magnitude of 4.8 and 3.3, respectively, struck central Taiwan Friday morning, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).

The first temblor was recorded at 4:55 a.m., with its epicenter at about 22.3 kilometers east of Yunlin County Hall, at a depth of 17 km, the bureau said.

The earthquake’s intensity, which gauges its actual effect, was highest in Yunlin, Kaohsiung, Chiayi, Taichung, Changhua and Nantou, where it measured 3 on Taiwan’s 7-tiered intensity scale.    [FULL  STORY]

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