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Web site, hotline launched to provide victim support

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 16, 2018
By: Staff writer, with CNA

Taiwan is joining the #Me Too movement to raise awareness about sexual assault and

Representatives from Taiwan Women’s Link, the Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women’s Rights, Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Link and End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism-Taiwan hold a news conference yesterday at the National Taiwan University Alumni Club in Taipei.  Photo: CNA

harassment by setting up a Web site and hotline to give victims of such crimes a platform to be heard, a coalition of groups said yesterday.

Taiwan Women’s Link, the Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women’s Rights, Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Link and End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism-Taiwan announced the launch of the support channels at a news conference.

According to Taiwan Women’s Link, victims of sexual assault and harassment often stay silent for a number of reasons, including fear of backlash, shame, lack of privacy and repeat attacks.

This culture of silence allows perpetrators to continue to assault people, because little is done to stop them, the group said    [FULL  STORY]

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