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DPP mulls bill to seize assets of drug suspects

Taipei Times
Date: May 10, 2017
By: Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus is considering legislation that would allow authorities to seize the assets of suspected drug dealers to cut off funding for drug trafficking and help the nation in its war on drugs.

DPP Legislator Chiang Yung-chang (江永昌) is to propose an amendment to the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act (毒品危害防制條例) that would allow prosecutors to confiscate illegal sources of income of suspected drug dealers to cut off financial flows to drug syndicates.

At present, law enforcement officials cannot seize the assets of suspected drug dealers unless the items are proven to be illegal.

The amendment would allow prosecutors to impound suspected illegal gains unless the owner can prove they have not been obtained illegally, Chiang said.
The amendment hews to the spirit of newly enacted amendments to the Money Laundering Control Act (洗錢防制法), which authorize prosecutors to confiscate suspected illegal assets of people facing money-laundering charges, Chiang added.

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