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Recent cold snap linked to over 150 deaths

The China Post
Date: February 14, 2017
By: AP and CNA

TAIPEI — Taiwanese officials and media reports are blaming a cold spell for the deaths of more than 150 people, most of them elderly and sick, over the past several days.

Temperatures fell as low as 6.7 degrees Celsius on Thursday evening along the coast north of the capital, Taipei.

Taiwan’s Liberty Times newspaper and United Daily News said the deaths of 154 people since then were likely related to the cold. Reports say below-normal temperatures around much of the island from Thursday night through Sunday may have triggered deadly heart attacks and strokes as well as the deaths of elderly people with the flu.

Temperatures in Taipei average 16 C in January, according to Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau. Because of the relatively mild norms, most households in Taiwan lack central heating, another suspected factor in the recent deaths.    [FULL  STORY]

Han Kuang Exercises to feature war simulations

Radio Taiwan International
By: 2017-02-12

Taiwan’s defense ministry is getting ready to roll out the first Quadrennial Defense Review since President Tsai Ing-wen took office last May. The review, expected in March, involves an explanation of strategy and the military force levels needed, and will be used to gather support for a defense budget.

The military says that the annual Han Kuang military exercises will be conducted this year on the basis of the president’s new military strategy. As a result, the exercises – scheduled for May – will involve simulated war games to allow more time for a post-drill review. Actual troops will not be used in the exercises until next year.

President Tsai in January ordered the military to “confirm its direction and change its culture” and put a greater emphasis on “effective deterrence.”    [FULL  STORY]

Marathon-running dog becomes center of attention after finishing 100th marathon

Taiwan News
Date: 2017/02/12
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

A dog became the center of attention after it finished its 100th full marathon at the 2017

Yellow Lemon and his owner, Huang Hsien-wen (center)

Kaohsiung Mizuno International Marathon on Sunday.

After the yellow dog, nicknamed “Yellow Lemon,” crossed the finish line, a large crowd of finishers quickly gathered around him to cheer for him, caress him and take photos with him.

Someone put a wreath around his neck. A runner offered the dog a fried chicken leg, and another offered it a red envelop and asked the dog owner, Huang Hsien-wen, to use the money to award his dog with feasts.

The panting dog looked happy and smiling for his unusual achievement but uncomfortable and embarrassed at the same time as so many people surrounded him to extend their congratulations and praises.    [FULL  STORY]

Part of provincial highway 14-A closed until Monday morning

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/02/12
By: Wu Jhe-hao and S.C. Chang

Taipei, Feb. 12 (CNA) The highway authorities closed the Cuifeng- Dayuling section of

(CNA file photo)

Provincial Highway 14-A after it turned icy as a result of low temperatures and snow Sunday evening.

The Directorate General of Highway said the section from the 18-km mark to the 41-km mark was closed at 5:00 p.m. Sunday until 7:00 a.m. the following day to ensure traffic safety.

Depending on the weather conditions, the directorate general said it will decide whether to end the road closure or allow only vehicles with chained tires to pass.

Hehuan and Jade mountains have seen snow over the past few days and the mercuries continued to drop late Sunday, making it necessary to close part of the road, highway officials said.    [FULL  STORY]

Second case of H5N6 bird flu confirmed in Tainan

ADVICE:Health officials reminded the public to avoid touching live or dead birds, to thoroughly cook eggs and poultry, and to wash their hands after handling raw items

Taipei Times
Date: Feb 13, 2017
By: Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

Authorities yesterday confirmed that a turkey farm in Tainan has been infected with the H5N6 avian influenza virus and that a cull has been carried out.

Other poultry farms within a 3km to 5km radius of the infected farm in Lioujia District (六甲) are to be monitored, but so far no other cases have been reported, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine said.

It was the second confirmed case in the nation after Hualien County on Feb. 5 reported a dead gosling infected with the H5N6 virus at a Yuli Township (玉里) farm and the infection in that case was confirmed on Saturday.

A ban prohibiting the transportation of waterfowl from Hualien County to other parts of the nation was imposed on Monday last week and is to run through Tuesday next week.
However, the ban came a day too late for scores of workers in Yilan County.

Gov’t denounces missile test, says it’s also monitoring Chinese navy

The China Post
Date: February 13, 2017

TAIPEI — Taiwan on Sunday denounced North Korea’s missile test and said it was closely monitoring the movements of the Chinese navy in the South China Sea and West Pacific.

Presidential Office Spokesman Alex Huang expressed the government’s strong disapproval of North Korea’s ballistic missile launch into the Sea of Japan early on Sunday, noting that Taiwan’s defense and national security authorities are “watching closely” military responses in the region.

“Any act aimed at intimidating and threatening and any behavior that undermines regional stability should be severely denounced,” Huang said.

In response to a Chinese military media report that a fleet of naval ships departed Sanya, Hainan Island, two days ago on a training mission, Huang said defense and security officials are “closely monitoring” the situation and all necessary deployments and countermeasures have been taken.    [FULL  STORY]

Taiwanese woman suffers burns in HK subway arson

Taiwan News
Date: 2017/02/11.
By: Sophia Yang, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – A Taiwanese woman was among the injured Friday evening

(By Central News Agency)

after a man set a flammable liquid alight on a packed subway train in Hong Kong. 18 passengers were injured in the blaze and a 60-year-old man has been arrested for arson.

The Hong Kong police said the suspect, who was later found to have a history of mental illness, told rescuers as he was being taken to a hospital that he was the one who set the fire.

The blaze was put out by the subway staff and other passengers with fire extinguishers before the fire department arrived at the scene at Tsim Sha Tsui, one of Hong Kong’s busiest stations, during the Friday evening rush hour.

The injured included 7 males and 11 females, with three in a critical condition, five others serious, and 10 stable, police said.    [FULL  STORY]

East Asian Weather Report for Sunday, February 12

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 2017-02-11

In Taiwan, Taipei in the north will be mostly clear with temperatures ranging between 10 and 16 C. Kaohsiung in the south also will be partly clear with a high of 22 C.

Elsewhere in Asia, Hong Kong will be sunny with a high of 20 C. Beijing will be sunny with a high of 9 C. Tokyo can also expect sunshine and a high of 11 C. And Seoul is also looking at sunny skies with high of 5.    [SOURCE]

Bird flu virus detected in slaughtered ducks from Hualien

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/02/11
By: Chiu Po-sheng and Y.F. Low

Taipei, Feb. 11 (CNA) Animal quarantine authorities on Saturday destroyed 3,787

CNA file photo

slaughtered ducks from Hualien County after they were confirmed as being infected with avian influenza virus, the Council of Agriculture said.

The ducks came from a farm that neighbored a goose farm confirmed on Feb. 5 to have been infected with the highly pathogenic H5N6 virus.

The slaughtered birds were intercepted at a slaughterhouse in Yilan County one day after the bird flu case was confirmed.

The results of tests released on Saturday indicated that the slaughtered ducks were infected with the highly pathogenic H5N6 and H5N2 viruses, according to the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.     [SOURCE]

Democracy movement exhibition launched

UNFORGIVENChiang Kai-shek’s descendants, some of whom are politicians, have never apologized over the 228 Incident, a 228 Peace Day Association leader said

Taipei Times
Date: Feb 12, 2017
By: Sean Lin / Staff reporter

An exhibition on the 228 Redress Movement that was led by late democracy pioneer

Yeh Chu-lan, widow of democracy activist Deng Nan-jung, yesterday speaks at an exhibition on the 228 Redress Movement in Taipei organized by the Deng Liberty Foundation. Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Deng Nan-jung (鄭南榕) was launched in Taipei yesterday to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the 228 Incident and 30th anniversary of the movement’s inception.

The 228 Incident refers to an uprising in 1947 against the then-Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) regime and the resulting brutal crackdown that left tens of thousands dead and led to nearly four decades of martial law.

Deng was imprisoned in 1986 without trial after then-Taipei city councilor Chang Te-ming (張德銘) accused him of swaying voters ahead of local elections by publishing articles in Deng’s Freedom Era Weekly magazine.    [FULL  STORY]