Delegates from religious groups and LGBTQ organizations held a joint press conference today
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/11/23
By: Ryan Drillsma, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Human rights proponents from various walks of life at today’s press conference (By Central News Agency)
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Representatives from human rights committees and religious associations appealed to the public to support human rights and make the right decision during tomorrow’s vote in a press conference held today (Nov. 23) at the Legislative Yuan.
Hongshi Buddhist Cultural and Educational Foundation, True Light Gospel Church, Taiwan Hesed Association, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, and Equal Love Taiwan jointly held the conference entitled, “We are all one family, let’s build a loving Taiwan together” 我們都是一家人.共同打造慈愛台灣.
Ye Dahua (葉大華), a member of the Presidential Office’s Human Rights Consultative Committee and Secretary General of the Taiwan Alliance for Advancement of Youth Rights and Welfare was present and pleaded that we not forget the national commitment to upholding human rights we made, lest Taiwan’s progress on social issues be disrupted.
Turning the language of the anti-LGBT opposition on its head, Ye asked voters to think carefully about how we can create a friendlier environment for future citizens and ensure “the happiness of the next generation” when voting. Happiness of the Next Generation (下一代幸福聯盟) is, conversely, the name of the anti-marriage equality association that proposed the three referendums opposing LGBTQ rights.