For immediate releas February 26, 2004
The Washington DC based think tank “The Heritage Foundation” held a seminar on Thursday February 26, titled: “RETHINKING ONE CHINA’: A fiction more dangerous than useful?”
U.S. Representatives Peter Deutsch (D-FL), Joe Hoeffel (D-PA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Robert Andrews (D-NJ) presented compelling cases for an abolishing of the policy which dates from 1972 when President Nixon “opened up” China.
Rep. Deutsch stated: “Congress is universal in its support of a Taiwan referendum.”
Rep. Rohrabacher added to the discussion of a Taiwan referendum: “If the people of Taiwan want to have a referendum on an issue, then they should have it. Anyone who opposes that has a lack of understanding of the fundamentals.”
Rep. Hoeffel stated: “We ought to have a vote on a Congressional resolution supporting a Taiwan referendum, in solidarity with the people of Taiwan.”
Rep. Andrews concluded: “It is essential that the U.S. support an independent Taiwan.”
The Heritage Foundation’s John Tkacik: “Why can’t we say there is one China and one Taiwan? Taiwan is a full-fledged independent democracy after all?” He added: “If you accept that China has sovereignty over Taiwan, then you legitimize China’s use of force against Taiwan. If you want to lessen the chance of war, you need to lessen the legitimacy of china’s threat to use force.”
The Heritage Foundation’s Harvey Feldman define the One China Policy: “The One China policy does not mean that Taiwan is part of China.”
Harvard scholar Ross Terrill said: “The U.S. position for the moment should be: leaning towards an acknowledgment of Taiwan’s independence.”
University of Pennsylvania scholar Arthur Waldron suggested to Congressman Deutsch to collect on a statement in support of a Taiwan referendum. He added: “Good policy should be based on reality. And not on a relic of the 70’s. We therefore need to throw off the shackles of the One China Policy.”
American Enterprise Institute scholar Tom Donnelly concluded the seminar with the statement: “The One China policy is headed for the dustbin of history.”
AIT Director Therese Shaheen was among the attendants.
FAPA President Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D. states: “It is in U.S. interest to recognize Taiwan for the independent country that it is. Peace and stability in East Asia is best served by the United States having a good relationship with both China and Taiwan. China’s delusion that the world thinks Taiwan is an inalienable part of China only emboldens Beijing to think that the United States will do nothing if China attacks Taiwan. The One China policy therefore needs to be abolished for it is dangerous.”