Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/11/05
By: Yeh Tzu-kang and S.C. Chang
Taipei, Nov. 5 (CNA) Some 11,000 healthy ducks at a farm in central Taiwan’s Yunlin
County were culled a day earlier after a highly pathogenic subtype of the H5 bird flu virus was detected near the farm, agriculture officials said Thursday.
The virus was found within one kilometer of the duck farm in Dongshi Township, Yunlin County, so epidemic-control officials followed the relevant rules and regulations to cull the ducks even though they were still in good health, said Liao Pei-chih (廖培志), director of the county’s Institute of Animal and Plant Health.
After the precautionary act, the duck farm was disinfected, he said, urging poultry farmers to be on alert for any abnormal signs with their animals. {FULL STORY]