99% of FB poll respondents think Taiwan KMT candidate is a joke, 1% support his run
Taiwan News
Date: 2019/10/24
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Image from Facebook page @justadullan)
(Image from Facebook page @justadullan)
At 8 a.m. on Thursday, the Facebook page @justadullan (只是堵藍), which has over 145,000 followers, posted a survey asking if readers believe Han is always in the news because "he is a joke" and should be on a Taiwanese variety TV show or "he is worthy of attention" and "support." A flood of votes poured in, with 2,000 Facebook users clicking on the survey within 10 minutes.
Within an hour, 10,000 votes had come in, with 99 percent feeling that Han was more of a joke. Only one percent of respondents deemed Han worthy of serious attention or support.
By 3 p.m., the voting had turned slightly in his favor, with 2 percent indicating that they support Han. The poll will conclude at 8 a.m. on Friday morning. [FULL STORY]