CHINESE WORK?Prosecutors said that Chung Hsin Electric and Machinery Manufacturing subcontracted work that saw parts for military vehicles made in China
Taipei Times
Date: Jun 12, 2015
By: Jason Pan / Staff reporter
Public prosecutors have detained dozens of military officials and civilian defense contractors

CM-32 “Clouded Leopard” armored vehicles yesterday take part in a rehearsal in Hsinchu County’s Hukou Township for a military show to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II to be held next month. Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times
for questioning as part of a massive operation yesterday investigating military corruption in which contractors allegedly provided cheap, inferior components from China that were used to produce CM-32 “Clouded Leopard” armored vehicles.
The operation involved raids that resulted in about 60 people being detained, along with the seizure of documents and other evidence at 37 locations across the nation, including the Ministry of National Defense’s Procurement Office, the Ordnance Readiness Development Center in Nantou County and the ministry’s Armaments Bureau 209th Arsenal, which has its facilities at the ordinance center.
Military officials and supervisors of the ministry’s procurement program allegedly colluded with unqualified contractors over a NT$7.6 billion (US$243.9 million) tender package in 2012 to provide chassis and power equipment for the CM-32 vehicles, which were developed by the ordinance center, the military’s main production and maintenance facility for tanks and armored personnel carriers. [FULL STORY]