After 50 years, the last barber on Taipei’s Yangmingshan is about to shut up shop

Chuang Yu-huan reflects on his career and how society has changed in the past 50 years

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/06/26
By: Scott Morgan, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – After over 50 years, Chuang Yu-huan (莊有煥) of Augusta’s Barber Shop (蘭心男女髮廊), Yangmingshan will turn off the lights for good, leaving behind a Taipei institution.

Chuang will shut up shop for the last time this June, which saw the ups and downs of Taiwan from Gezhi Road (格致路) over the past 50 years.

Chuang Yu-huan. (Taiwan News)

When reflecting on his career, Chuang said all he ever wanted was for his family to have enough.

Taiwan News met with Chuang, aged over 70, to talk about his traditional Taiwanese barber shop and his life in it.

Chuang Yu-huan. (Taiwan News)

At 7.00 a.m., Chuang had already welcomed a long-time customer into his shop. With a good morning smile, the customer does not say much as Chuang knows how he likes his hair.

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